Couple Injured in Crash Takes on Corsica Based Cheese Company in Court

AP-A South Dakota couple is taking on a cheese company in court, claiming one of its employees was negligent in a 2014 crash that still affects them today.

Kevin and Betty Peterson are suing Midwest Cheese Co. in Davison County court where a trial is underway. The Corsica-based cheese company has admitted employee Duane Morgan was negligent when he rear-ended the Petersons’ vehicle near Mitchell on June 3, 2014.

The Daily Republic says jurors will determine whether that negligence caused injuries and other damage to the extent the couple claims. The defense contends some of the injuries may have been linked to pre-existing medical conditions.

The Petersons are seeking to recover damages for past and future medical expenses, pain and suffering, mental distress and economic harm.

(Information from the Mitchell Daily Republic)