County Holds Off On Hog Confinement Conditional Use Permit


CAFO1The future of a proposed confined animal feeding operation will remain unknown until the end of the month. The Beadle County Commission, meeting as the Board of Adjustments deferred action on a conditional use permit request filed by Westside Gilts, L-L-C until the Commission’s May 29th meeting. The supporters of the project, where severely outnumbered as both sides gave testimony Wednesday. South Dakota Pork Producers president Lester Moeller was one one of them….


Much of the opposition centered around typical CAFO negatives, such as water and air contamination and damage to township infrastructure, however technical questions about Pipestone Systems application for the conditional use permit continue to crop up. Mitch Peterson is a lawyer representing a number of land owners near the proposed location in Liberty Township…


Commissioner Rick Benson asked a number of questions of Pipestone officials, before requesting a brief executive session to discuss a legal matter with States Attorney Mike Moore….


Westside Gilts L-L-C is proposing a 54-hundred sow 11-million dollar operation north of Yale.