Commission Holds Work Session To Plot Out Future Work Sessions


City CommissionLook for the Huron City Commission to be taking part in many more work sessions at the conclusion of City Commission meetings. Commissioners and Mayor Paul Aylward held a work session about work sessions Monday night. The 45-minute work session amounted to brain storming what issues are facing the city…


Commissioner Doug Kludt brought five ideas for work sessions prioritized by importance to him…


Addressing the possible closure of the Dakota Central Postal Sorting Facility in Huron was one item Kludt’s list. Which prompted response from Commissioner Garry Harrington…


Economic development also came up as a possible topic to look at in a work session. Commissioner Mark Robish says that is key to making the other topics viable to look at…


Other topics that could be addressed by future work sessions include diversity, Splash Central, City boards and Commissions, marketing Southtown Addition and a sidewalk replacement program.