Commission Goes 3 Of 4 On Variances Monday Night

City CommissionAfter nearly an hour of meeting as the Board of Adjustments, the Huron City Commission ended the night three for four in the variance approval department Monday night. The lone variance denied involved the moving of a single wide manufactured home on to a parcel of land where only a newly constructed manufactured home could be place. Gene McMillian was proposing to remove the current house on the location and move in the manufactured home. Roughly 21 similar homes are already placed with in the area amongst traditional homes. At least five residents submitted written opposition to the plan. One of them, Judy Beltz has lived in the west side neighborhood for nearly 50 years…


The number of manufactured homes in the neighborhood placed by variance could not be established. Commission Mark Robish moved to deny the request…


Commissioner Doug Kludt says the current City Commission has been put in a tough position by previous Commissions…


Variances approved by the Board of Adjustments included a request for signage by Iverson’s Chrysler for their new property south of Coborn’s, a request by Ferguson Electric for new buildings on Market Street and a request to add living quarters for seasonal workers at an Ag building constructed by Gary Hofer.