Commission Gives Approval to Rezoning of South Town Addition

Last night, the Huron City Commission approved the rezoning of ten acres in the South Town addition to allow for the construction of two-69 unit apartment buildings and 4 and 6 unit townhouses.

The city believes the project will help alleviate Huron’s housing crunch.

Property owners were on hand last nigh to voice their opposition to the location of the project, including Lori Rathjen.

Greater Huron Development Corporation President and CEO Jim Borzich says the developer isn’t interested in moving the project to a different location. He says he doesn’t believe the project will be detrimental to the South Town addition.

Also last night, Commissioner’s approved the transfer of a 2017 retail on-sale liquor license from BPO Elks Lodge No. 444, 460 Dakota Ave S, to Cabaret LLC, dba The Lodge. Also, the first reading of a water conservation ordinance was held which would establish odd-even watering of lawn, trees, landscaping and gardens.