Commission Delays Decision On Asphalt Grinding Request

The Huron City Commission this week delayed a decision on Theresa Townships request to have the City of Huron grind away an eighth of a mile of asphalt on 397th Avenue, the road where the old Huron Dressed Beef site sits. Jim Brock owns a truck wash-out on the street and has personally paid for repairs on the road. He’s concerned about how milling off the asphalt and turning it into a gravel road could affect plans to move his truck wash to the former dressed beef site….


Lynn Stoltenburg is the Chairman of the Theresa Township Board of Supervisors. He appreciated Brock’s concerns but says the road is dangerous…


Stoltenburg apologized for not getting in touch with Brock first before coming to the City Commission with the request. The Commission deferred the matter to next week.