Commission Delays Approval Of Ordinance Change On Garages

City of HuronThe Huron City Commission delayed action on approving an ordinance to allow garages to be constructed on smaller lots with out a living space like a house. City Planner Ralph Borkowski says two additions were added to the ordinance for the second reading….


The second suggestion would bar home occupations from operating out of the garages. Commissioner Doug Kludt didn’t feel it was right to add provisions to an ordinance without first informing the public…


Kludt thought the public should have the right to know about any possible changes that vary from first reading to the second…


Kludt wanted to have notice published about the proposed changes. Borkowksi suggested media coverage would help get word to the public that the changes are on the table for the ordinance. The Commission unanimously approved deferring consideration of the changes to the ordinance to next week.