Commission Approves Street Vacation

The Huron City Commission approved a request to vacate the street right of way for 6th street between Nevada and Wyoming Avenues Monday night. Scott Rink, David McGirr, Graham Smith and Gene Olsen made the request of the city. All four own property within the right of way. City Planner Ralph Borkowski told the City Commission the Planning Commission approved the recommendation to vacate 6th street but Borkowski, as Planner, had his own concerns….


Borkowski also request that utilities have unrestricted access to the area and that the old right of way be donated back to the city if the owners want the right of way opened.  Mayor Paul Aylward says he had no objections to the plan but did want to make sure city equipment could move freely through the area…


Rink says his plans would involve widening the area…


It could be up to five weeks before the street vacation become official. Part of the right-of-way crosses Burlington Northern Santa Fe property. BNSF officials were unresponsive to requests by the applicants and city to officially take part in the proceeding. McGirr added the delays caused by BNSF’s delays took away the end of the construction season, so the construction of any new buildings on any of the property will likely be pushed off to next spring.