Commission Approves Permit For Cell Phone Tower

STL TowerVerizon customers should see better cell phone reception on the south side of Huron soon. The Huron City Commission, meeting as the Board of Adjustments approved a conditional use permit for a cell phone tower. Alex Novak of Novation Group Consulting is in charge of site acquisition zoning and permitting for Verizon and SBA Communications, He says the group is looking to place an 80-foot tall monopole cell tower at the Performance Radio studios…


Novak says Verizon has been looking for a location to increase service in Huron for awhile…


Novak says the project will attempt to blend into the neighborhood…


No one spoke in opposition to the cell phone tower placement. The Conditional Use Permit was unanimously approved. Novak did not say when Verizon would begin work to install the new tower.