Only two of the five trailer court licenses in the City of Huron were renewed by the City Commission last night. Mayor Dave McGirr says Prarie Villa and Sheltered Trailer Court were recommened by approval by Building Inspector Roger Bell..
City Attorney Gerry Kaufman says the three courts in question have until the end of the day today to get in compliance with city ordinances…
[audio:|titles=trailercourtrenewal2]And if the operators in question don’t comply?…
[audio:|titles=trailercourtrenewal3]And that would have direct effects on those living in the affect parks…
[audio:|titles=trailercourtrenewal4]Bell says Woody’s Trailer Court was sold to a new owner late last week but has been in to get a new permit McGirr says if the permits lapse the owners would be requred to get the courts up to code from a utilities standpoint, calling it a virtual finaincal “death penalty” if the permits aren’t renewed in time.