Commission Approves Central Park Payment During 5 Minute Meeting


City CommissionThe Huron City Commission need a little over five minutes to complete it’s business Monday night. After completion of meeting standards like roll call, agenda approval and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, Commissioners moved on to approving the six-item consent agenda…


The Commission then moved to the only formal item on the agenda, a request by Commissioner Bryan Smith to approve just under seven-thousand 660-dollars for the Huron Aquatic Center project…


Commission Doug Kludt wanted to know what was left to do at Central Park and Splash Central. Smith deferred those questions to City Engineer Mike Wever…


The payment is the 25th approved by the Huron City Commission for the Huron Aquatic Center project. The Commission completed their meeting in five-minutes 17-seconds missing the record for shortest meeting set May 12th by one-minute seven-seconds.