Cold Average Daily Temps in Huron Make February 2019 One for the Record Books

If you thought this February has been colder than normal, you’re right.

According to the National Weather Service, 2019 has charted Huron’s second coldest February on record. The coldest in 40 years.

This month the average daily temperature has only been 14.0 degrees.

Huron’s coldest February ever came in 1936 when the average daily temperature was a frigid 3.3 degrees.

Other record setting February’s in Huron history occurred in 1887 (14.5), 1904 (16.0), 1979 (16.6).

Huron also set a snowfall record on Monday with 2.8 inches. The previous record for Feb. 25th snowfall was 2.4 in 2015.