Clark And White Lake Among Cities Getting CDBG money

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — Gov. Dennis Daugaard says six South Dakota communities will receive nearly $2.5 million in Community Development Block Grants to assist with projects.  Daugaard says the funds will assist with more than $13.2 million in projects in Chancellor, Clark, Gregory, Irene, South Shore and White Lake. They cover a wide range of construction and rehabilitation of sewer and sanitary systems that will vastly improve infrastructure.  Chancellor is getting $412,000 to rehabilitate sections of its aging sanitary sewer system throughout the town. Clark will use a $515,000 grant to replace its mechanical wastewater treatment plant.  The CDBG program provides local governments with funding to complete projects to improve living conditions. It’s funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and administered by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.