City's Reserve Police Officers Certified By State

12167161_10100897453648225_1777484050_nThe City of Huron recognized the five citizens who stepped up volunteer time to become Revere Police Officers. Official certification certificates from the South Dakota Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Training Commission were presented to the officers during public forum of the Huron City Commission meeting Monday night. Police Chief Denny Meyer says the Reserve program got lost in the shuffle as former Chief Gary Will Jr. who started the program, left and Meyer took over as Chief..


One of the many officers to guide the reserves is Officer Jeff Van Gerpen. He says the reserves were sworn in last September. The 100 hours of training needed to be completed in a year from that date…


Van Gerpen says the reserves have been used in multiple ways so far….


Van Gerpen says the certificates mean the reserves now have full arrest powers equal to that of a full time paid officer. The reserve officers are all volunteers and do not receive payment from the city for taking part in the program.