City to Hold Public Hearings on Vantage Business Park

Tonight, the Huron City Commission will hold two public hearings related to Vantage Business Park.

Vantage Business Park is an economic development project that encompasses 127-acres, east of Custer Avenue and south of Highway 14.

One public hearing will pertain to annexation petitions filed by City of Huron and Greater Huron Development Corporation. The city and GHDC are petitioning to annex a parcel of land legally described as: NW 1/4 of Section 4, Township 110N, Range 61W (Except Railroad right-of-way, Plat of Lots 1 and 2; Plat of Outlot “Huron T.B.S. No. 1”; NEW Custer Reg-Station Addition; Plat of Lot H1; Plat of Lot H2; Plat of Lot H-B; Plat of NWPS Huron Gas Peaking Plant Addition; Plat of N.W.P.S. Lot 1 and N.W.P.S Lot 2; and that part lying South of the Railroad right-of-way), zoned B-3 General Business District and I-2 General Industrial District.

The second is a public hearing and 2nd reading of rezone petitions filed by the City of Huron and Greater Huron Development Corporation. The request is to rezone 27 acres more or less in the Northeast portion of Vantage Business Park from from General Business District to General Industrial District.

The Greater Huron Development Corporation acquired the land in November of 2018 for the purpose of commercial and industrial use.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 5:30 pm.