City to Consider Variance Requests, Rezoning Ordinance

The Huron City Commission holds its regular weekly meeting tonight.

Two variance requests are on the agenda.

John Kreyenschmidt, 806 Simmons SE, has filed a request to construct an addition to a detached garage 17’ 4” from the sidewalk. The code states that when a garage is designed to be entered directly from the street the distance between the doors and the lot line shall be 20’ in an area zoned One Family Residential District.

Shane & Melissa Hood,556 Nebraska SW, have filed a conditional use permit to operate a Vacation Rental Home. The code requires the permit as well as a copy of the vacation rental home license from the state in an area zoned Multiple Family Residential District.

Commissioners will consider an agreement with Stockwell Engineers, Inc. for Highway 37/Dakota Avenue street rendering.

The commission will hold the 1st reading of an ordinance to rezone 450 4th Street NE from General Business District to General Industrial District. The petition was filed by Basin Electric.

Also on tonight’s agenda is the city’s semi-annual update from the Beadle County Humane Society.

Tonight’s meeting gets underway at 5:30.