City Says YES To New Rental Rates For Fine Arts Center And Rent Reduction For A-C-T

The Huron City Commission approved a revised rental policy for the Fine Arts Center at the Huron Community Campus. The move came before the Commission gave approval to a rental agreement with the Huron Area Community Theater Company. During a work session at last week’s meeting it was discovered that the City Commission had not given approval to the rates used by the Huron Community Campus for use of the stage and theater in the Fine Arts Center. Mayor Paul Aylward says the addition of the new rates is the only change that was made…


The updated rates are 30 dollars per day, 450 dollars per week for non-profit groups and 600 dollars per week for for-profit groups. The agreement approved with the Huron A-C-T will reduce rent for an average three week performance by 450 dollars for seven performances over a three year span. In exchange for the reduction in rent, the Huron A-C-T is purchasing 14-thousand dollars worth of sound system upgrades for the Fine Arts Center from Audio Connections in Brookings. The sound equipment will be able to be used by any group using the Fine Arts Center.