City Holds 1st Reading of Sump Pump Ordinance

The city has approved first reading of an ordinance pertaining to unpolluted water and sump pumps.

The ordinance would add a section to code which states that no person may discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water, sump pump water, groundwater or untreated
industrial process waters to any sanitary sewer. All sump pumps must be installed in a way that directs water to the exterior of the building.

City engineer Brett Runge says this is the same ordinance the city commission discussed several weeks ago.

The section does permit manual sump pump diversion into the sanitary sewer from November 1 to the following April 1 to minimize and prevent freezing conditions and when authorized by the city engineer.

1st reading was also held on ordinances requiring a building permit for the installation of sump pumps and establishing a permit fee of $10 per sump pump.

Also last night, commissioner Mark Robish gave an update on storm cleanup efforts. Crews began picking up branches and other debris yesterday. Robish says that work will continue today.

In other business:

  • Commissioners approved a plat filed by the City of Huron and Great Huron Development Corporation for Southtown 2nd Addition.
  • The city held first reading of rezone petitions filed by the City of Huron and Greater Huron Development Corporation to rezone 27 acres more or less in the northeast portion of Vantage Business Park from General Business District to General Industrial District. The date for the public hearing/2nd reading has been set for July 29.