City Ends Contract with National Company Hired to Attract Businesses


Two years ago, the city of Huron, the Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau and Greater Huron Development Corporation entered into an agreement with national firm, Retail Strategies.

The Alabama-based company leverages its expertise in real estate and contacts in the retail industry to help small and midsize communities attract new business.

The 3 year contract gave the city, Chamber and GHDC the chance to opt out at the end of each year. Aylward said after two years the decision was made to pull the plug on the agreement.

Aylward said businesses look at a number of factors before committing to a community, including sales tax numbers.

Aylward said online commerce has had a major impact on retail not only in Huron but nationwide.

To hear the full conversation, click the link below and listen to the “Ask the Mayor” podcast.