City Commission Uphold Historic Preservation Appeal

The Huron City Commission approved an appeal made by Pat Buckingham regarding the Huron Board of Historic Preservation’s denial of Buckinghams request to install a steel roof on her home. Buckingham said she was unaware that her home was within the historic preservation district…


Buckingham ordered the non refundable custom fitted steel roof after her contractor consulted with Building Inspector Roger Bell…


The local Board of Historic Preservation voted 4 to 2 to deny the roof and the State Board also denied the request. Doug Kludt is the Vice Chair of the Huron Historic Preservation Commission…


City Commissioner Kerwin Haeder moved to approve the appeal…


The Commission’s final vote was 4 to 1 with Commissioner Jan Manolis voting no..


Following the appeal hearing a public hearing date of October 25th was set for an ordinance that would declare six individual properties in Huron as Historic. The new ordinance would not cover areas in the Campbell Park Historic District.