City Commission Tour Of Dakota Central Stopped

Dakota CentralThe Huron City Commission was planning on touring the Dakota Central postal sorting facility Tuesday night. But mid-day Tuesday, plans changed…


Huron Mayor Paul Aylward says the City Commission wanted to tour the mail sorting facility near the Huron Regional Airport to show support for employees as they face the prospect of additional United States Postal Service downsizing…


Members of the Beadle County Commission were also scheduled to be on the tour. City Commissioner Gary Harrington thought he had the pieces in place for the tour to take place…


Peter Nowaki USPS spokesman for South Dakota, based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, declined to go on tape but did say there was a misunderstanding as to what a “go signal” would be to make the tour possible. He did not directly address Harrington’s claim the tour was halted due to the possibility of question being posed about the possible closure of Dakota Central. He said the Postal Service is not releasing many specifics on the future of the 82 plants targeted for closure because those specifics are simply not available as the USPS evaluates moving forward.