City Commission To Meet Tonight

An ample supply of proposed ordinances await the Huron City Commission for their regular weekly meeting tonight. Commissioners will first consider three bid items. One is a change order and final payment request for a sewer main lining project. The second is a payment request for the east water tower and the third is setting the bid for a used automated side loader garbage truck. The Commission will hold a public hearing for a special event alcohol license filed by the Huron Chamber and to accept gifts of SWAT team vests, a throw phone and enhanced 911 system from Beadle County. Commissioners will hear six ordinance readings tonight. The first is second reading of an ordinance that changes how much the city will pay for single coverage insurance from 50-percent to 100-percent. The other ordinances will all have their first readings tonight. One is to add snow emergency routes on the southwest side of Huron. Others deal with street, alley and public ground vacations, zoning administration and enforcement, subdivision procedures, and salaries for certain city employees and officers. All ordinances set for first reading tonight are set to have second readings next week. A resolution setting rates for 2014 is also on the agenda for consideration. Closing out the meeting will be announcements regarding the upcoming Christmas holiday. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.