City Commission To Meet Tonight.

The Huron City Commission has a lot to talk about tonight when they hold their regular weekly meeting. Commissioners will meet as the Board of Adjustments for a variance request. The Commission will consider two payment requests for the north and east water towers. A public hearing will be held for a special event on-sale alcohol license filed by the Huron Chamber for their next Chamber Mixer, September 10th at Farm Credit Services of America. Commissioners will consider the effective date of the resignation of City Attorney Gerry Kaufman and a plat filed by Donna Steele. First reading of an ordinance changing language of the city’s transient merchant license laws will be held. The Commission will authorize Mayor Paul Aylward to sign an Award for Allocation for a historic preservation project. They will also consider the immediate resignation of Malfred Shaw from the Library Board and the appointing of Katie Wagner to fill out the rest of Shaw’s term. Commissioners will consider declaring the old water slide and mushroom fountain from the old municipal pool as surplus along with declaring other city items as surplus for the upcoming city auction. The Commission will also consider accepting a gift of a Healthrider Total Body Fitness machine for the city’s Wellness room. The Huron City Commission is scheduled to meet in executive session for negotiations, a work session to consider special assessments relating to the Pagal Swanson Real Estate parcel and will meet as the Board of Appeals for a nuisance hearing. The Huron City Commission will meet tonight at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public.