City Commission To Meet Tonight

The Huron City Commission will hear a recommendation from the Public Safety Committee tonight on a Distracted Driving ordinance. The Public Safety Committee has been researching a distracted driving or texting ban ordinance for the since September. The recommendation calls for distracted driving to be a secondary offense meaning an officer would only be able to cite a driver for such a violation if they were caught with some other violation first. The ban would make it a primary offense for anyone under 18 or anyone with an instructional permit from using any sort of cell phone or electronic device. Calling in emergency situations would be allowed. The City Commission has much more to get to before the distracted driving issue. They will meet as the Board of Adjustments for a variance request regarding the construction of a rental unit.. Commissioners will consider change orders and final payments on a sewer lining project and payment requests for the north water tower and Central Park. The Commission will receive a presentation of the 2011 audited financials and consider a request by Police Chief Gary Will, jr. to apply for an A-E-D Grant to obtain Automatic External Defibrillators to go in police cars. Commissioners will also consider a maintenance agreement with HigherGround Incorporated for 9-1-1 recording system support and will consider regular status for two volunteer fire fighters and holiday garbage collections hours for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. The Commission will meet in executive session for litigation and negotiations. The Commission will hold a work session at seven P-M to hear a presentation from Mid-Dakota Rural Water System. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 P-M and the meeting is open to the public.