City Commission To Meet Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission meets tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. The Commission will consider two variance requests, meeting as the Board of Adjustment. One variance is in regards to a proposed addition to a home. The second is in regards to a fencing request as the applicants are requesting an eight-foot tall fence where code says six feet is all the higher it can go. When the City Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will consider a payment request for the Memorial Park walking path replacement project and setting November 16th as the bid date for bids to demolish and remove the former waste water plant on the west bank of the James River. A public hearing will be held for a Home Occupation Permit request and the Commission will consider a special event alcohol license filed by Top Floor Events for a Chamber Mixer at Huron Regional Medical Center on November 10th. Commissioners will consider approval of a new email server and email alert system, before meeting in executive session for a contractual matter. There are no scheduled work sessions for the Huron City Commission. They meet tonight at 5:30 P-M The meeting is open to the public.