City Commission To Hear, See James River Master Plan


City CommissionHuron residents wanting to get a first look at the James River Master Plan may want to come to the Huron Municipal Building tonight. Officials from Stockwell Engineering will present the James River Recreation Area Master Plan to the Huron City Commission. Before Stockwell takes to the floor the Commission will meet as the Board of Adjustments to consider a variance request regarding a request to build a detached garage that doesn’t meet codes for setbacks. When the City Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will consider two payment requests and authorize the Mayor and City Planner to sign an Award of Allocation for a Historic Preservation project. The Commission will consider a recommendation from the Human Resource Department to post, advertise and issue a Civil Service call for a Water-Sewer position, then Commissioners will get the James River Master Plan presentation. There are no scheduled executive session items, however a work session is scheduled to discuss the 2015 city budget. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.