The Huron City Commission met last night at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners approved a payment request for LED light modules. Commissioners also approved an hourly rental rate for Jeff Miller Construction to excavate clay material for the city’s swimming pool dike project. City Engineer Mike Wever says the city about halfway through the project….
Wever says Jersey Avenue will rise two feet and Waibel Drive will come up nearly 7 feet as those routes will come up over the dike. The Commission also came to an agreement with property owners in the Lake Heights Addition who have tried for weeks to get land re-platted. The City was concerned over losing money related to front footage assesment fees if the land was re-platted. .The Commission also approved changes an infrastructure agreement reached between the City, Dan and Ronette Marroteck and developer Dennis Estabrook. Commissioners approved the appraisal of a police department handgun at 425-dollars and agreed to sell the gun to former policeman Kevin Eckman. The Commission also met in executive session for a personnel matter.