The Huron City Commission met last night at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners approved a change order for a lift station project. Because of weather conditions the semi-annual update from the Huron Senior Center was deferred to next week’s meeting. The Commission approved the second and final reading of two ordinances. A few brief changes were made to a city personnel ordinance and no changes were made to the 2011 supplemental appropriations ordinance. The City approved an update of city building codes to bring them in line with the latest 2009 international building codes for commercial and multi-family structures. Mayor Dave McGirr says the City resisted accepting the 2009 codes in the past…
Provisions requiring residential sprinklering will be excluded from the codes and City Attorney Gerry Kaufmann told the Commission an ordinance change should take place in conjunction with accepting the new building codes. Commissioners approved two fire department promotions moving Dan Vetsch to Captain and Ron Hines to Lieutenant. The Commission also accepted the resignation of a police department dispatcher and the hiring of an Experience Works employee in the Water-Sewer Department before going into executive session for two items.