The Huron City Commission met last night at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners authorized Mayor Dave McGirr to sign a Certified Government Certification Agreement with the South Dakota State Historical Preservation Office, opening the door for the Huron Board of Historic Preservation to apply for grants. The Commission accepted the retirement resignation of Fire Captain Dwayne Pudwill. Pudwill has 13 years of service with the Huron Fire Department and Public Safety Commissioner Kerwin Haeder explained the process to replace Pudwill…
Commissioners also approved full time status for Jason Brenner a mechanic in the street department. Commissioner Jan Manolis outlined the upcoming changes in the solid waste schedule for the upcoming Christmas and New Year’s holidays…
[audio:|titles=quickhits1220-2]The Commission ended the meeting in executive session for two items and held a work session on the 2011 Capital Assets Plan.