The Huron City Commission began 2011 by approving a retail on-off sale wine license for Chekkers convenience store. The Commission also approved April 12th as the date for municipal elections. The elections will or would be combined with any election the Huron School Board would have to save both the School District and City money, by holding the elections jointly. Commissioners passed a resolution giving City Engineer Mike Wever the ability to contact the Howard R Green Consulting firm, when Wever feels the company’s services would be needed. The Supplemental Appropriations ordinance to the 2011 City budget was approved aftet it’s second reading before the Commission. The first reading of a city personnel ordinance was held following a work session at the end of Monday nights City Commission meeting. Mayor Dave McGirr wanted to go through the ordinance with department heads and have changes made and ready for the ordinances second reading next week. That was done so the changes would be in effect for the first payroll of 2011. A civil service call was issued for a police officer. A Sergent position is open in the police department and it is believed that a patrol officer may be promoted to Sergent leaving an opening for an officer and Brenda Hogue and Tim Sutton were appointed to the Golf Course Board. The Commission then went into executive session for union negotiations and returned to go through the ordinance on city personnel