City Commission Meets Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission has one more Monday night left in them for 2014. Last week, Performance Radio News erroneously mentioned the December 22nd meeting was the final Monday meeting of the year and that information was incorrect. Tonight Commissioners will consider setting January 26th as the bid opening date for three bids. The bids consist of a lease for hayland and pasture land, a self propelled rotary front mower and curb, gutter and A-D-A ramp installation. Two public hearings are scheduled. One for a special event alcohol license for an upcoming Chamber Mixer. The second is for the transfer of a 2014 Retail On-Sale alcohol license from Erwin Wollman to American Bank and Trust for the Tailgate Restaurant and Lounge. Commissioners will also consider approval of contract items with two city employee unions, the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3A and AFSCME Local 169. Two ordinance readings are a part of tonight’s City Commission meeting. The first is second reading of an ordinance regarding design standards for public improvements. The second is first reading of an ordinance regarding paid leaves of absences for city employees. Solid Waste reminders for New Year’s Day will be made. There are no scheduled executive or work sessions. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.