City Commission Meets Tonight


City CommissionThe Huron City Commission will meet tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. The Commission will address the revocation of a Door to Door Sales license held by Pastor Robert Coleman of State of Grace Ministries. Two documents relating to the revocation are in the City Commission agenda packet. The first is a letter from the City Finance office to Coleman dates July 29th indicating that the license has been revoked for quote “alleged prohibited conduct” during the application process. The second letter is from Coleman. He claims in his correspondence that the city gave him no indication as to what the alleged prohibited procedures were. He also claims City Attorney Jeff Banks quote “refused to show me the proof and identify the persons who challenged my procedure.” Per resolution established earlier this year, Coleman will have three minutes to plead to the Commission for reinstatement of his sales license, which is effective until the end of August. Commissioners will consider four bid items that include two payment requests, accepting a quote for spraying South Town Addition and setting a bid date for Concession Building at the Kunhart Softball Complex. The Commission will hear a semi-annual update from the Beadle County Humane Society and consider a request from the South Dakota Army National Guard to use city property for training in September. Other agenda items include accepting an offer by the City of Groton to purchase the old municipal pool water slide, consider acquiring a trailer home and refunding Building Inspector Roger Bell for taxes and fees and a reminder that the city rubble site will be closed for a time on August 21st for the Solid Waste Convention being held in Huron. The Huron City Commission has no scheduled work or executive sessions. They meet tonight at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public.