City Commission Meets Tonight


City CommissionThe Huron City Commission gets back to action after having last week off in honor of Memorial Day. Commissioners will consider awarding a bid for recycling scrap iron and white goods and will consider a payment request for concrete replacement. A public hearing will be held regarding 2014, 2015 Malt Beverage and South Dakota Farm Wine licenses. The Commission will consider a pair of requests by the Beadle County Izaak Walton League chapter for use of the gun range at Seventh Street and Jersey Avenue Northeast. A permanent beer garden permit request filed by the New Plains is also up for consideration tonight. Commissioners will also consider terminating the Management Agreement with the Greater Huron Development Corporation for the executive director position at the Huron Community Campus. A public hearing and second reading of an ordinance regarding Zoning Administration and Enforcement relating to home occupation permits will be held. The Commission will consider approval of two resolutions, one relates to the use of Robert’s Rules of Order and the second rules for the Public Forum opportunities given at the beginning of City Commission meetings. Commissioners will consider a long list of departmental items including a request to add a storm sewer project to address drainage issues at the corner of 24th and Wisconsin Avenue. Requests from the police and park and recreation departments and seven human resource items are also on the agenda. The Commission will also consider appointments to city boards and committees. There are no scheduled work or executive sessions for the Huron City Commission who meet tonight at 5:30 P-M in the Commission Room of the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.