City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission meets for it’s regular weekly meeting tonight. Commissioners will consider setting a bid date for recycling scrap iron and white goods and will consider accepting a quote for upgrades to the cities tornado siren controlling system. Two public hearings will be held for the transfer of retail on-off sale malt beverage licenses for businesses at 1524 and 1530 Dakota Avenues South. Another public hearing will be held for a special event on-sale malt beverage license for the Sioux Falls Canaries game on May ninth. The first reading of an ordinance regarding traffic will be held. The Commission will authorize Mayor Paul Aylward to sign a proposal with Pro-Tec for roof repairs at the Waste water Treatment building and will consider approval of creating a Reserve Police Officer program. Seven various human resource items will close out the agenda. There are no scheduled executive or work session for the Huron City Commission who meet tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.