City Commission Meets Tonight

It’s another fairly brief agenda for the Huron City Commission tonight. Commissioners will be meeting as the Board of Adjustments to consider two variance requests. One variance is to move and attach an existing detached garage to a home. The second is for construction of an addition to a home where the addition would not met setback requirements. When the City Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the transfer of a retail on-off sale malt beverage license and an on-sale liquor license from Mulligan’s Tavern to Bucky’s Restaurant and Lounge. The Commission will consider renewal of a hunting access and habitat contract with the Wildlife Division of the South Dakota Department of Game Fish and Parks for the Walk-In Area program at the old west landfill site. A single departmental item is to consider authorizing the Mayor to sign a Traffic Safety Grant application for the Police Department. There are no scheduled work or executive sessions for the Huron City Commission. The meeting tonight is at 5:30 PM in the Commission Room of the Huron Municipal Building and the meeting is open to the public.