City Commission Meets Tonight

After taking last week off for Labor Day, the Huron City Commission goes back to Monday night laboring this evening. Two public hearings will be held regarding an On-Off sale malt beverage license filed by Gamers Casino. Commissioners will consider acceptance of a quit claim deed from the Greater Huron Development Corporation for parcels in the West Industrial Park. The Commission will also hear a request by the U-S Fish and Wildlife Service to use shotguns in the old trap range by the Izaak Walton Clubhouse. Also up for consideration is an intergovernmental agreement with the Huron School District for maintenance and snow removal in the parking lots around the Tiger Activity Center and Splash Central. Commissioners will hold first reading of the 2014 budget ordinance and consider a resolution in support of Governor Dennis Daugaard’s petition to the Surface Transportation Board regarding the Canadian Pacific Railway’s desire to possibly sell the former Dakota Minnesota and Eastern line that runs across South Dakota and through Huron. The Commission will consider recommendations from the appraisal committee assigned to value the surplus waterslide and mushroom water feature from the old municipal swimming pool. The Commission will also consider a recommendation to set values for easements and acquisitions for the 21st Street project between Dakota and Sherman Avenues. Commissioners will get a FEMA update and consider advertising for a part time year round Scale Operator for the Solid Waste Department. There are no scheduled work or executive sessions for the Huron City Commission who meet tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public