City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission holds it’s regular weekly meeting tonight. Commissioners will meet as the Board of Adjustments for a variance request filed by Dakotaland Federal Credit Union for an expansion of their main facility near 15th Street And Dakota Avenue South. When the City Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will consider payment request 17 for the Huron Aquatic Center Project. The Commission will also consider a plat filed by Thomas Light, Wayne Hofer and Jennifer Hofer. Departmental items include considering a contract with Emergency Communications Network for renewal of reverse 9-1-1 services and pursuing negotiations with Advanced Recycling services as the contractor to take recycled goods from the upcoming recycling program. Commissioners will also consider appointments to city boards and committees, and rules for procedure for the Planning Committee. Three human resource items make up the remainder of the agenda. There are no scheduled executive or work sessions on the agenda. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.