City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission isn’t letting the winter storm keep them from their duty as they will hold their regular weekly meeting tonight. The Commission will meet as the Board of Adjustments to consider two variance requests. When the City Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will consider a payment request for the east water tower and awarding a bid for a sanitary sewer wet well project. The Commission will also consider setting a bid date for an asphalt milling and overlay project and a payment request for Central Park. Two public hearings will be held tonight. The first is for a special event wine license filed by the South Dakota Wine Growers Association for an event on February 21st at the Campus Center. The second is a home occupation Permit to operate a church at 737 Beach Avenue, Southeast. The Commission will hear semi-annual updates from the Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau and Huron Senior Center. Commissioners will also consider an agreement for marketing corrugated cardboard with Creative Printing. Tonight also marks the second reading of a rental housing provisions ordinance. Division directors will be named following the City Commissions approval last week of division directors to over see Huron city departments. Related to that will be the consideration of updated job descriptions that highlight the changes because of the Division Directors. The Commission will consider a recommendation to allow third penny reserves to be used for the 2013 Downtown Beautification fund. Commissioners will accept the transfer of two Toughbook laptop computers and accessories from Beadle County to the Huron Fire Department. The Commission will consider authorizing the Human Resource Coordinator to apply for a Department of Health Worksite Wellness grant. Commissioners will also consider a hiring recommendation for airport snow removal and posting for a position in the Solid Waste Department. The Commission will also make announcements regarding President’s Day before meeting in executive session for a contractual matter. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM and it is open to the public.