City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission is set to hold it’s weekly meeting tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners will consider awarding bids for a sanitary sewer manhole restoration project, sewer main lining project and two-way live floor trailer for the Solid Waste Department. The Commission will also consider a payment request for the north water tower project. Commissioners will also hear a semi-annual update from the Huron Event Center. The Commission will give second reading to two supplemental appropriations ordinances and consider a resolution authorizing the submission of a South Dakota Solid Waste Management grant application for the city’s recycling program. Commissioners will also consider a resolution at would establish Director Division Positions. Four departmental items are on the agenda for tonight including consideration of agreements with Midcontinent Communications for telephone service at the Campus Center and Internet service for the Water-Sewer, Parks and Recreation and Street maintenance shop. The Commission will also consider a hiring recommendation for a volunteer fire fighter and a request by Police Chief Gary Will, Jr. for a records management system contract. The Huron City Commission will meet in executive session for a personnel matter and hold a work session to discuss solid waste department ordinances regard the upcoming recycling program. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at the Huron Municipal Building at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.