City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission holds it’s second to last meeting of 2012 tonight. Commissioners will meet as the Board of Adjustments to consider a variance request for the construction of a garage filed by Charles Mahowald. When the City Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will consider a payment request for the north industrial park water tower. Two public hearings will be held regarding the a liquor license transfer from the former Coffee Tree to Aroma Incorporated. Commissioners will hold first reading on two ordinances, one regarding the Golf Course Commission and the second regarding health insurance for retirees. The Commission will authorize Mayor Dave McGirr to sign a Solid Waste Management grant application for a truck to collect recyclable goods and containers for Huron’s new recycling program. Commissioners will also consider approval of a revised application for employment with the city and a recommendation to post internally for a position in the Solid Waste Department. The Commission will also consider a request by the police department for an intern. The Huron City Commission will also make announcements regarding the Christmas holiday. Commissioners will also meet in executive session for negotiations and hold a work session on a draft for a proposed rental ordinance. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public.