City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission will begin tonight’s city commission meeting by convening as the Board of Adjustments to hear Shawn Harvey’s variance request. Harvey is requesting to construct a fence in the setback area of a property where fence construction is not allowed by code. When the City Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will consider payment requests for the North water tower and a water main, lift station replacement project. Public hearings will be held for the biennial renewal of nine Home Occupation Permits. The Commission will hold second reading on two ordinances related to Cable Television Franchises. A resolution on the establishing fees for Cable TV Franchise will also be presented tonight. Commissioners will also consider a recommendation from the Public Safety Committee to allow the Huron School District to place solar-powered signal light devices at the Middle School bus exit on 18th Street. The Commission will consider accepting equipment transfers from Beadle County and authorize Mayor Dave McGirr to sign a Homeland Security Transfer/Disposal form. Lastly Commissioners will consider a hiring recommendation for the Solid Waste Department and will hold a work session on the 2013 Budget. The Huron City Commission meets at the Huron Municipal Building tonight at 5:30 PM. That meeting is open to the public.