City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission meets tonight for it’s regular weekly meeting. Commissioners will consider two payment requests, one for an asphalt milling and overlay project, the second is a payment for the Splash Central Water Park. The Greater Huron Development Corporation will give it’s semi-annual update to the City Commission. A public hearing will be held on a 2012-2013 Package Off-Sale Malt Beverage License filed by Mely’s Mexican Store and Commissioners will consider a plat filed by Busch Properties. The Commission will consider accepting a gift from the Nordby Center for Recreation for the storage area added onto the building. Commissioners will consider authorizing Police Chief Gary Will, Jr. apply for a Homeland Security grant for laptop computers in patrol cars. The Commission will also consider a recommendation to hire a part-time year round library clerk and consider approval of a revised job description for a position in the Solid Waste Department and hire one additional part-time year round worker. The Commission will also hold the first work session to put together the City Budget for 2013. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.