City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission holds it’s regular weekly meeting tonight. Commissioners will consider a payment request for a water main and lift station replacement project and payment request number six for Central Park. A third payment request will be considered for a street milling and overlay project. The Commission will consider a resolution that would transfer property to the Greater Huron Development Corporation. Commissioners will consider a recommendation to hire a part-time police officer and hire swimming lesson aides. The Commission will also consider accepting the resignation of volunteer fire fighter, Joe Johnson. Commissioners will consider authorizing Police Chief Gary Will to apply for a 2012-2013 Highway Traffic Safety Grant and authorize the mayor to sign the application. The Commission will also consider an amendment to the State of South Dakota Historic Preservation Allocation Award to extend a project to be completed by July 31st. The Huron City Commission will meet in executive session to deal with Negotiations and litigation, then will hold a work session to review possible revisions to vehicle parking ordinances. The Huron City Commission meets at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public.