City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission will meet as the Board of Adjustment at the start of tonight’s City Commission meeting to hear a number of variance requests. One request has been filed by Butler Caterpillar for a sign larger than allowed by code. The other three variances all deal with building and construction projects of various sizes. When the City Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will consider a payment request for the East Water Tower and two lease agreements regarding use of space at the Campus Center. The Commission will also consider the reappointment of Dale Schneider to the Huron Regional Medical Center Board of Directors and hiring recommendations for Street Department personnel and substitute lifeguards. The Commission will also consider Proposals for Services submitted by Barr Engineering Company and Pierce and Harris Engineering for renovation of the Third Street Dam on the James River. The Commission wil meet in executive session for a legal matter and will hold a work session to continue reviewing Police Department policies. The Huron City Commission meets at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public.