City Commission Meets Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission has a full plate heading into tonight’s weekly meeting. Two proclamations will be made during public forum for recognizing Direct Support Professionals Week and marking October as United Way Heartland Region month. Commissioners will consider three payment requests for various city projects. Four separate plats are up for approval tonight. Three of the plats deal with land in the Southtown Addition. The fourth is related to a parcel on the north side of Huron. A resolution up for consideration tonight also deals with the Southtown Addition. The resolution, if approved would establish a public right of way to run through property in the Southtown Addition. The first reading of two ordinances are tonight. The first is the 2016 City Budget ordinance. The second ordinance would lay the groundwork for establishing a Zoning Board of Adjustment, that would be used if the full City Commission could not act as the Board of Adjustment for variance and other requests. The Commission will continue work on the 2016 City Budget in a work session and will also meet in executive session for a contractual matter. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM in the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.