The Huron City Commission needed less than 15 minutes to sort through a light agenda last night. Three companies received bids for water treatment chemicals for next year. The Commission also approved the purchase of an asphalt grinder or “zipper” machine off of a Davison County bid. City Engineer Mike Wever says the mini-milling machine is two feet wider that the current milling machine which will let city crews mill roadways in one pass instead of two. The Water Department will use the zipper when digging under streets. Also approved as a resolution asking the Department of Transportation to consider adding street lighting to Highways 14 and 37 during upcoming projects on the routes. City Engineer Mike Wever told the Commission where the new lights would be placed if the state adds them….
Commissioners also approved a recommendation to give regular status to a volunteer firefighter and authorized Mayor Dave McGirr to sign a renewal application for the Construction and Demolition Debris Disposal Facility Permit.