There was more to Monday nights City Commission meeting than setting a public hearing date to supply a recommendation to the State Revenue Department regarding the alcohol licenses of the El Cuervo Bar. The City Commission approved a funding agreement with the U.S Geological Survey for a gage station on the James River….
City Planner Ralph Borkowski says the city’s share of the agreement is 12-hundred -20 dollars which according to Finance Officer Paulynn Carey is a 20 dollar increase from last year.Commissioners approved a progress payment of 93-thousand-480 dollars for the north water tower project and a joint cooperative agreement with the Northeast Council of Governments or NECOG. NECOG assists the city in grant writing for projects. Commissioners approved a resolution authorizing revenue bonds totalling five-point-three million dollars for the Central Park project. Two human resource matters were approved and Terry Rotert was re-appointed to the Golf Course Commission for another three-year term. The Huron City Commission met in executive session for a personnel matter and union negotiations.