The Huron City Commission met Monday night. Commissioners approved a bid by Sanitation Products of Sioux falls for two side loading garbage trucks. An intergovernmental agreement with Beadle County regarding Building Inspector Roger Bell was deferred to a future meeting. A rezoning petition filed by Tim Matthews was approved during the second reading of the ordinance containing the petition. The resignation of Library Director Jan Cederquist was approved. The city will begin looking for a replacement and also agreed to change the required level of education needed for the job description of the Library Director position. Full time status for firefighter Jeremy James was approved and Tony Wever was hired as a part-time camera operator to record City Commission meetings on Monday Nights. The Commission went into executive session for negotiations and a legal matter, then held a work session on the 2012 City Budget, Commissioner Jan Manolis announced the garbage collection schedule for next week’s holiday shortened week…
The Huron City Commission will not met next Monday in honor of Labor Day. The next meeting will be September 12th.