The Huron City Commission awarded a bid for construction of a new water tower near Dakota Provisions last night. City Engineer Mike Wever says Maguire Iron’s bid of one-million -36-thousand dollars was 300-thousand dollars less than the Citys one-point-three million dollar estimate. Wever says the cost of the water tower is being split three ways…
Construction could begin as early as this fall, if footing can be installed. Commissioners als approved a change order for a sewer main lining project that is nearing completion and Special Event Alcohol Licenses for two upcoming Chamber Mixers. The Semi-Annual Update from the Greater Huron Development Corporation was deffered until next week and a Beer Garden Permit request filed by the Red Arrow Bar was approved. Commissioners also approved filing an application to to a federal firefighting grant program to help obtain federal dollars to purchase new breathing equipment for the fire department. Commissioner Kerwin Haeder says the current equipment is close to 23 years old and is in need of replacement. Huron has applyed previously for the grant, but has been turned down three times. The Commission met in executive session or a legal matter and held a work session on the 2012 City Budget.