The Huron City Commission approved a change order Monday night on a project to renovate manhole covers across the city. Requests for the Izzak Walton league to use the trap range for the Step Outside event in June and a request for alcohol consumption in a public place were approved. Two ordinances regarding the Huron Fire Department were deferred to the Commission’s next meeting in two weeks. Somewhat along those lines, a 1978 Dodge fire truck was declared surplus by the City and an appraisal team was named to assess a value to the truck. Public Safety Commissioner Kerwin Haeder hopes a smaller area fire department might be able to fine a use for the truck. The first reading of an ordinance relating to special permits, malt beverage and South Dakota Farm wine licenses was approved. That ordinance when fully approved will bring the city’s ordinances in line with current state statues. Five human resource items were approved by the City before Utilities Commissioner Jan Manolis declared the garbage collection for the Memorial Day holiday…
The City Commission ended the meeting in executive session for union negotiations.